Fiona Adshead

5th grade


Birthday: July 17.
Sports team: Toronto Maple Leafs.
Color: Green.
Salty snack: Spicy chips.
Sweet snack: Licorice.
Flower plant: Sunflower.
Restaurant: Pub Grill.
Gift card: Amazon.
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, camping, hiking and jogging.

Scent: Euphoria.
Book: Travel.
Movie/show: Thrillers.

Classroom wishes: Whiteboard markers, white boards, pencils, whiteboard erasers, paperclips, pens, three hole punch.
Dislikes/don't need: Chocolate, mugs, bath products, candles.
How can parents help: Encourage students to do their homework.

Anything else: No, you guys have thought of everything.