Jennifer Estevez

1st grade


Birthday: May 6.
Sports team: None.
Color: Purple.
Drink: Strawberry lemonade.

Salty snack: Baked Cheddar Ruffles.
Sweet snack: Gum or gummies.
Flower plant: None.
Restaurant: Panera.
Salon: Nope.
Gift card: Target, Aldis and Amazon.
Hobbies: I love Disney.

Scent: Clean/fresh.
Book: None.
Movie/show: Podcast.

Amazon wish list: 
Classroom wishes: Organization bins.
Dislikes/don't need: I would appreciate anything!
How can parents help: Be invested and supportive.
Anything else: We're going to have several events and activities this school year. Any help would be fabulous!