Sury Flores
Birthday: November 1.
Sports team: Miami Hurricanes.
Color: Light pink, blush.
Drink: Cortaditos, Prosecco.
Salty snack: None.
Sweet snack: All of them.
Flower plant: I love them all.
Restaurant: Pub Grill, Rodbenders.
Gift card: Sephora, Amazon.
Hobbies: Pilates, puzzles, love being outdoors.
Scent: I love spa-like scents and musk.
Dislikes/don't need: Hand lotions or coffee mugs.
How can parents help: Review Class Dojo messages, charge device daily, check gradebook, review homework.
Anything else: I’m an empty nester but when I’m with my daughters I love going on long walks with them, going shopping or playing pickle ball with them. I adore my pups, Riley and Olivia. I also love spending time with my 10 year old niece.