Vivian Hernandez
2nd grade
Birthday: April 21.
Sports team: No, thank you.
Color: Pink.
Drink: Crystal Light.
Salty snack: Sun Chips.
Sweet snack: Chocolate or ice cream.
Flower plant: No, thank you.
Restaurant: Chipotle, Diced, Chick-fil-A, Bolay, Starbucks.
Salon: No, thank you.
Gift card: Amazon, Target, Micheal's, Old Navy, AMC Movies, Starbucks.
Hobbies: Spending time with the family.
Scent: Clean scents.
Book: No, thank you.
Movie/show: Christmas Lifetime movies.
Classroom wishes: Colored dry erase markers, extra crayons (24 packs), large erasers, jumbo glue sticks, card stock (colored and white).
Dislikes/don't need: Mugs, I don't drink coffee.
How can parents help: Review Class Dojo messages, charge device daily, check gradebook, review homework.
Anything else: In need of seasonal photo backgrounds.