Doris Howard


Birthday: Nov. 29.
Sports team: Dolphins.
Color: Blue.
Drink: Coffee.

Salty snack: Lesser Evil, Smartfood or Skinny Popcorn.
Sweet snack: Chocolate or Coconut Ferrero Raffaello.
Flower plant: Snake plant or something that does not require much care.
Restaurant: Panera, Taco Craft, Alaines.
Salon: Blow and Dry Lounge Pinecrest.
Gift card: Amazon, Target.
Hobbies: Reading, beach, my three dogs.

Scent: Vanilla or eucalyptus.
Book: Reese Witherspoon's Book Club.

Amazon wishlist:
Classroom wishes: Headphones for my students.
Dislikes/don't need: Mugs.