Karen Mattox
Birthday: Aug. 14.
Sports team: Go Canes.
Color: Shades of blue.
Drink: Carbonated water.
Salty snack: Sour cream & cheddar chips.
Sweet snack: Dark chocolate anything.
Flower plant: I love plants!!🪴
Restaurant: Golden Rule.
Salon: Private nail tech.
Gift card: TJ Maxx.
Hobbies: Plants.
Scent: RL Romance.
Movie/show: Law & Order.
Amazon wishlist: Dollhouse wooden patio set, 6 to 10 inch trucks.
Classroom wishes: Lysol wipes.
Dislikes/don't need: Allergic to gardenia and jasmine scents.
How can parents help: Help them write their names, cut with kid scissors, review letters we have already learned by sight and sound, count things around the house.
Anything else: If we have a father that is a plumber, we lose approximately 2-3 gallons a day from our leaky sinks.