Susan Meyer

4th grade


Birthday: April.
Sports team: Clemson.
Color: Yellow and blue.
Drink: Coffee with cream, no sugar.

Salty snack: Corn Chips.
Sweet snack: Reese's cups.
Flower plant: Any.
Restaurant: Indian.
Salon: Massage Envy.
Gift card: JoAnn's Fabric and Crafts, Home Depot, Publix.
Hobbies: Gardening, sewing, cooking, biking, hiking, reading.

Scent: Herbs, spices, citrus; fresh outdoor scents.
Book: Mystery.
Movie/show: Great British Baking Show, mystery, action, home improvement.
Classroom wishes: Clorox wipes, pencils, glue sticks, scissors.
Dislikes/don't need: Dislike lima beans. Don't need lotion or candles.
How can parents help: Parents can keep in touch and ask questions. :)
Anything else: Always appreciate the great job PTA does! Thanks for your smiles and all that you've done.