Lily Rodriguez
Birthday: February 3.
Sports team: Dolphins.
Color: Red.
Drink: Pepsi.
Salty snack: Ruffles.
Sweet snack: Pastelitos.
Flower plant: Tulips.
Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory.
Salon: None.
Gift card: Visa, TJMaxx, Marshalls.
Hobbies: Travel.
Scent: Dolce & Gabbana The One.
Book: Dr. Seuss.
Movie/show: Jurassic Park, Jaws, Peanuts.
Amazon wish list:
Classroom wishes: Dry Erase Markers, colorful post-it’s, twistable crayons, shaving cream, baby wipes, cute stickers, sheet protectors.
Dislikes/don't need: Coffee, peanut butter, fruit roll-ups, caramel.
How can parents help: Continue to be awesome! Check Class Dojo for important messages from the teacher.
Anything else: Thanks for supporting our school!