Get involved by volunteering!

There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved — your help is needed! Please 


Here is how to register to be a volunteer:

  1. Create a website account: You can only view and sign up for volunteer opportunities if you have an account with our website. Click here to create an account.

  2. Background check: All Miami-Dade County Public Schools volunteers must complete a background check. Background checks should be submitted at least two weeks prior to your volunteer date AND it must be completed once per school year.

  3. Sign Up: Once you have completed steps 1 and 2, you can check out our volunteer page and sign up for the available opportunities. Make sure you are logged in, because volunteer opportunities are only visible to users that are signed in.
Questions: If you have any questions about volunteering, email
Please note: Upcoming volunteer opportunities are listed below but only visible to users that are signed in.

Upcoming events